Note cards

In our fast paced dig­i­tal cul­ture, we have lost one aspect of com­mu­ni­ca­tion that I believe is very impor­tant. A sim­ple, hand-writ­ten note from a friend can be very encour­ag­ing. My hus­band and I have com­bined our efforts and are mak­ing six new note cards avail­able. Three fea­ture wildlife pho­tographs that were cap­tured through my lens, and three fea­ture repro­duc­tions of oil paint­ings my hus­band cre­at­ed in recent past. 

All six cards are blank inside allow­ing you to write a per­son­al mes­sage to friends and relatives. 

The cards are $4 each and are print­ed on high-qual­i­ty stock. You can order one or many. Mix-match or all the same. All are beau­ti­ful and are a unique way to con­nect, or re-con­nect with those you care about.