Richland Chambers Wildlife Management Area

I love adventures.

Life if full of adven­tures, big, small, planned, unplanned, unfor­get­table, expen­sive all kinds.

Then there are those that you can’t wait to do again, this was one of those.

Rich­land Cham­bers Wildlife Man­age­ment Area, a cou­ple hours south of DFW. Had no idea this was even here.

We love get­ting out and explor­ing nature. We are still amazed at the unique­ness of each bird or ani­mal that God has cre­at­ed. Each one with its own spe­cial design. This was very evi­dent see­ing the many dif­fer­ent types of birds all liv­ing togeth­er yet each one with its own way of surviving.

Wood Storks
Richland Chambers WMA
Supper Time
Great Blue Heron
Wood Storks and Spoonbill
Looking for lunch!
Reddish Egret
Red tail Hawk

Wood Storks

Our first time for see­ing wood storks. Very unusu­al look­ing birds. 


Less­er Tern, I think is what this is. 

Rich­land Cham­bers WMA

So many dif­fer­ent kinds of birds all together. 


Amer­i­can Pel­i­can. Wing span can reach up to 8 feet. 

Sup­per Time

Cat­fish was on the menu for the day. 



Great Blue Heron

Eat­ing a cat­fish. It was very far away, but you can see it has a fish. Only makes me want a big­ger lense.

Wood Storks and Spoonbill

Amazed to see this Roseate Spoon­bill this far north. 

Look­ing for lunch!

Have not iden­ti­fied these yet.

Red­dish Egret

Red­dish Egret

Red tail Hawk

We came across this hawk on the ground eat­ing some­thing, we think. He flew to the tree and is not hap­py with us. It looks like he is look­ing back to see if his prey is still on the ground.


A swarm of bees.