11th Annual Wildlife Art National Juried Competition

Octo­ber 1 thru Octo­ber 25, 2012. The Irv­ing Show was very excit­ing this year. I won 1st Place for my pho­to “Leav­ing The Roost”, shown below. My hus­band, Steve Miller, had 2 pas­tel works in the show and won 1st Place with his piece titled “Free­dom’s Voice”

Leaving the Roost featured in 2013 wildlife calendar.
Great White Egret, Leav­ing the Roost.

Leav­ing the Roost” is a pho­to that is fea­tured in my new cal­en­dar for 2013. This cal­en­dar high­lights the Great White Egret of Moun­tain Creek in Dal­las Coun­ty, Texas. It is a 12x12, Full col­or, spi­ral bound, large wall cal­en­dar, includ­ing Decem­ber 2012, Fea­tur­ing pho­tos of the Great White Egrets of Moun­tain Creek Lake in Dal­las Coun­ty, Texas. This cal­en­dar high­lights my wildlife pho­tog­ra­phy, and each month dis­plays a unique and beau­ti­ful pho­to of the Great White Egrets includ­ing fun facts about the Egrets. It also con­tains encour­ag­ing Bible vers­es relat­ed to cre­ation. To learn more about the cal­en­dar see below.